Scenes from L.A. that might render me a character in a forthcoming HBO single-camera show about a (potentially paranoid?) guy that shit just happens to:
1) Me, sitting in the gated patio section of my neighborhood Coffee Bean, reading the paper, when a lovely California hobo with Borderline Personality Disorder screams in my ear, from behind the bushes: "You got the Obituary section!? You're gonna DIE. DIEEEE!!! DIE, SCUM!"
2) Me, standing by my car after throwing out a bag of garbarge in a dumpster on my street only to be accosted by a haggard tree-branch-holding woman demanding to know my name and address (before she then *tells me* my name and address, including my apartment number).
To which I respond, "How do you know who I am? And where I live? Why are you asking me these questions?"
To which she answers: "I found your garbage in our dumpster. I'm the manager of this, here apartment building [the one next to mine]. Don't throw out your garbage in our dumpster."
"Oh, you mean the dumpster on the street?'" I ask. "Ok, no problem."
To which she replies with a circular tirade repeating her request -- the sort only appropriate in the mental-health ward of your local hospital.
"Thank you," I respond. "It's nice to know you went through my mail, which was in a bag, in a dumpster, in order to have this conversation."
She does not seem to have finished speaking even after I have walked over half a block away.
3) A woman -- who I don't see coming -- walking right into me as I stand in my Trader Joe's (in a stationary position, mind you), reading a rice-box label. "Fucking Asshole!" she says on her way into the vegan aisle. "Thank you!" I answer before gladly buying a package of Angus beef.